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Tweets by burntmillroad
Writer/Director – Jacob Arbittier
Autumn Witz
Laata Letsho Motheo Ramothwa
Really, really good. I love how it was filmed all on torchlight and how we never see the man, just hear his increasing anxiety.
Watching from canada loving it
That was scary
I am glad to see Nana return, but I wish the blond guy who ear was bitten off in the nana bath video made an appearance. I wanted to find out his relationship with Nana so I guess I was hoping you make a nana bath part 2. Nana is a real treasure to Burnt Mill Road and I hope to see her in more videos. She comforts me the way my real mother did. I enjoy watching her tear apart her victims so please make sure we see more Nana. Burnt mill road needs this fine lady as she makes me sleep better when I see her on your videos.
That so cool love this next time use real monsternok

I really like the way it’s filmed. It’s sorta like found footage but with no camera so you feel like you just are there with/as him
If it's from burnt mill road then you know it's going to be awsome and you know that you will be going on an awsome ride I've been following this channel for years since it was first put up and I've never been disappointed keep up the great awsome work guys. As far as I'm concerned all of your horror movies are all a smash hit IMO . iam truly a huge diehard fan of this channel
I would whoop some serious butt without question in this case. That lady in the bed would be in a world of hurt.
That was freaking awesome!! Loved it!! Nice work!!
very cool film
I wonder what are in my walls
Watching from the us. Very creepy
What country are you watching from?
Very nice