ALIEN TRESPASS 🎬 Exclusive Full Comedy Sci-Fi Movie Premiere 🎬 English HD 2024

🌍 Title: Alien Trespass
🌍 Summary: After crash landing near a desert town, an alien enlists the help of a local waitress to re-capture a monster that escaped from the wreckage of his space ship. #comedy #sci-fi #comedymovies #englishmovies #movies #fun #fullmovies #entertainment #show #greatcast

YOP: 2009
Cast: Eric McCormack, Jenni Baird, Robert Patrick.
Director: R.W. Goodwin.
Writer: Steven P. Fisher, Jim Swift.

🔴 Certificate: TV-MA

ATTENTION: All of the films uploaded are legally licensed, and we have the YouTube rights for specific territories. Any copyright inquiries should be sent to

Tags: comedy movies english best movies 2024 English

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  1. S H I T E. I've seen better acting, plot & script from a dubbed 1970s German Adult Film. Nostalgic garbage. Save an hour off your life & watch paint dry, it's more stimulating.

  2. 21:55 "Last summer it was a killer with a hook. The year before that it was a ghost in a…"
    I understood the first reference "killer with a hook" is referencing the movie, I know what you did last summer. The second reference I didn't get.

  3. omg i DID NOT EXPECT THIS AT ALLLL i JUST CLICKED IT FOR CHANCE. i NEVER HEARD OF IT AND i SAT THROUGH TO THE END oops capped out …but seriously this was a real treat and Im so glad it popped up on my feed somehow. great casting costumes sets lighting everything was great ….never had to rewind because I did not understand the dialogue or what was happening. 5 STARS

  4. Yes, a good homage to the old sci-fi, except they weren't very good,, IMHO.
    Sorry, but it was not very funny.. If you want great Sci-Fi, go with Terminaor II. Ifyou want great and funny, watch Fifth Element. If you want really stupid funny, try AustraAliens.

  5. This could be low-key where that was going. Either that or expired press pass. I'd like it noted wasn't born for the moon landing. Ya all weren't lookin for microorganisms when you went scurrying around up there… You should like send them an apology and I think a beach ball or something… Yw… 😊

  6. ⭐️⭐️⭐️”Little house on the prairie” meets “terminator “😂 O and “hitch hikers guide to the galaxy” as even the silver alien gave the poor man version of cousin it a ride 😂😂😂 maybe a “dalek “ and “little shop of horrors” to… could have be a good movie if they cut out the cheese 🧀
    Easy watch if your in the mood for something that dose not take itself to seriously. 😊

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