Five emotionally fragile teens are committed to Blackwood, a mysterious school for gifted and disturbed girls. Mesmerized by the intense head mistress Madame Duret, at first, they think they have found a place where they can finally flourish academically and artistically. However, the mystery deepens as they break through layer after layer of misdirection to discover the true, horrifying purpose of the school.
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What was your gut reaction???
This is by far my favorite show of all time. The acting is top notch, i even had the luxury of visiting the set in Philadelphia when season 4 was filming. Nell Tiger Free is a dream. She,s definitely going places. I cant wait to see what she works on next. I always go back to watch videos you made that i missed. Your spot on at explaining the stories, your choice of words is pure and natural. ❤
I would give anything to one more moment to have with the loved ones i lost😢
Great movie for this haunted house genre
30:51 why is this the most rewatched did I miss something? Wtf
I don’t know why I sit here and watch some of these movies that does not make sense to me maybe I don’t follow them like I should. ending was the best ever.
Thank you for posting.
Now that's the best horror movie I've seen in a while a very good story
Don't even bother! Can't see the baby. She was a good actress.
It's okay. The movie Five Girls starring Ron Perlman is much better.
sad interesting little movie
Too dark for me to watch…..
Not my baby Taylor Russell
Isn't the violin player from the Orphan ?
Great movie
Upload settings are too dark. NEXT.
Good entertainment. Thanks for the upload ❤
Title was definitely fitting. Everyone is having trouble seeing what's going on 😅.
This one went completely under the radar. Im a Thurman fan, she's a great actress but, even a great actress can't save a really bad film. It's just interesting enough that i went ahead and finished it. Can't say I would choose to see it again but it was worth a viewing. 😊
First time I have ever felt the need to review a movie. Take my word, Watch it!
Stopped this at 1:20:04 and I have to say that I'm rather disappointed in this "horror" film. :/ Only 16 minutes left and that's it? Went into this blindly as it was a YT rec for me. Had the possession plot pegged from the beginning. Not very scary, if that's what you're looking for. Always love a good Uma Thurman character! Anna Sophia Robb was subpar, though.
1:28:59 Hello, our personal opinion about this movie was 50% liked. 1- It's not scary 2- Its unnaturalness is clear and obvious 3- Its exciting parts took place in absolute darkness and couldn't be seen 4- Important and emotional parts could only be understood audibly. (We appreciate your efforts)
If this crew ever makes another film,, hire a real lighting technician. At least it might be watchable which this was not. Dark does not make it scary.
Wow…really good movie. Way better thanI thought it was going be. Im glad I watched it.
Wish it wasnt so dark. Couldn't see half the movie.
I was disappointed that the son was killed. Over a bunch of silly stalling too…I mean how long did kitty then he procrastinate getting out of the fire through the front door 🙄 Other than that it was a pretty good film.
excellent movie. i watched it three times.
An O.K. Movie, But, Honestly, I Expecteed More, For, This, Too Be A British Film. This, Too Me, Is Kind If, Super Blah. I'm, Quite 😲 Shocked.This, Is Definately, An Earlier, Not Sure, 1978, Type Film, Almost, Like A Documentary But, Just Rediculously Scary, In, The Sense, That, I Was, Actually, Disappointment Really. Oh, Well. I Guess, For, This, Too Be, The First Film, I Seen, On, This Channel, Its, Like, Whoa, Pull, The🎉 Reigns In. Secretive. It, Is, Just, An O.K. For Me, But, Not A Wow😮 Factor, For Me. It Was Diff, For, Me, But, Definately Just, A Marm. I Have, Too ReWatch, This, Was, Just, Not, An, Easy Follow. Like, I Say, I Must, Be , Missing, The Point Here, Sooh, I Will Go Back And Watch, It, And, Rhen, See What, Ny Opinion Is, Then. ThankYou Co.
Really good story, I recommend you to watch, not teeny boppish as I thought it was going to be!! Give it a 7
Stupid movie
Horrible movie, EVERYONE DIED, I was reading the comments that said this was a great movie, thats the only reason I watched it…. there was no real story line, it was more like a shallow cliffhanger or teen only movie
It'd be great if the damn thing would play
Loved it. ❤
Is that the girl from Orphan?????
When he asks, "An F in gym. How does anyone get an F in gym?" LOL
That's far from a horror movie it's fantasy thriller and a great one at that. Someone below days this was a book. I don't read book but love watching movies based on books. This was a great movie you got to watch this.
It’s called ambiance..
I've seen more ads pop during movie, than broadcast television.
Halfway through the movie..
They have not discovered what Veronica's gift is.
Good movie 👍
Can't enjoy overly dark movies. Like, nobody has proper lighting or electricity?
turn the brightness all the way up and make it play faster at 1.25x and then this is an OK movie