
Jarrod and his pregnant girlfriend Elaine travel to Los Angeles to meet his old friend and successful entrepreneur Terry, and his wife Candice. Terry gives a party in his apartment for Jarrod and offers a job position to him in LA. Terry’s assistant and lover Denise (Crystal Reed) and his friend Ray (Neil Hopkins) sleep on the couch in the living room, but in the dawn of the next morning, the group is awakened by mysterious beams of blue light. Ray stares at the light and is taken by the mysterious force. The group of friends try to escape from the alien invaders.

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  1. I always love the fact that in these movies, they give the aliens all sorts of technology far beyond any human capabilities but yet they don't think the aliens would have something as basic as infrared vision. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  2. only watched about 21-22 minutes of this one and seriously considering turning it off. It just has nothing to keep my attention. The most spectacular thing that has happened were a few blue light special effects that still have not been explained.

  3. I hate when movies start out and you are getting into it and then it says "15 hours earlier" or whatever time frame they choose. Just freaking show that from the beginning, morons. Showing events out of order only leads to confusion, it does not add to the story at all.
    The movie is ok, but so unrealistic.

  4. The best part of this film was when I fell asleep for 30 minutes. When I woke up, it just got better. A solid B sci-fi film with a couple of recognizable players… reminiscent of 'Independence Day'. Give this one a whirl.

  5. Really too bad the 2 follow up movies fell far short of the first one. The third movie was seriously terrible while the 2nd was also bad but at least had somewhat of a budget. Could have been a good trilogy if the scripts were not sold to the lowest bidder.

  6. it’s helpful to fill your bathtub up with water when something happens (natural disasters) because you don’t know how long the water will be on or be fresh and if you can’t get access to fresh water learning the ratios for bleaching your water to make it drinkable is helpful as well

  7. Okay okay I’ll give it to them that ending was really fucking dope but when they went from the building to the garage just to go back in the building again had me dying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I love watching shitty movies and I was bored so I continued watching. I’m glad I did, vary interesting premise and the cgi was really well done! Props πŸŽ‰

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Down a Dark Hall
