From the producers of The Ring and Disturbia comes a nail-biting thriller, THE UNINVITED. Following the suspicious death of their mother, sisters Anna and Alex become entangled in a deadly battle of wills when their father becomes engaged to Rachel, their mother’s former caretaker. As the two sisters investigate Rachel’s questionable past, they are confronted with ghostly visions, terrifying nightmares and deadly consequences. All leading to an ending so shocking it “will send chills down your spine!” – Pete Hammond,
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Didn’t really care for the ending. What did Mildred have to with any of this? Are they saying she took Mildred’s story and made it her own?
Really great movie!! 😮
So many twists and turns!!
Omg thank you!!! I been looking for this movie
Interesting movie with an unexpected plot twist ending. Enjoyed it very much.
Good movie. They sure make a 2nd one😳💙💙💙
The Press Your Luck lady is creeping me the hell out!
Now THIS was a great movie! OMG…didn't see that coming!
copy from my favorite movie from S. Korea called The Tale of Two Sister's…. it has the same plot twist and almost same everything except the murder's
Very good
Good movie.
I've seen this a bunch of times, butta it's a great movie. one of my very fav. .. ❤❤❤
I love horror and twist endings I love the cast, this has been one of my favorite movies since the first time I saw it in theaters.
By the way this is another American remake of a Asian horror movie. The original movie is a Korean movie from 2003 called A Tale of Two Sisters that is way better to me.
Pretty good! nice twist to the end. Do watch!
Still one of my favorites to this day!
YALL I think I figured it out by watching this for the first time, Rachael is mid’s daughter who took after her mother by trying to get sugar daddies, YALL THESE LADIES ARE SLUTS DONT LET WOMEN LIKE THESE POSSESS YOU -smart ways to live 101
i love this movie so much, I'm glad I found it again. <3
The twist is so good, it honestly caught me off guard the first time despite feeling something was off. The fact that NO ONE but the MC talked to the sister was what caught my attention, and the fact that the sister only talks about the step-mom…we know the MC was in a psyche ward for awhile, and I kept that in mind the entire time. But I never expected the sister to be dead, and the one we see is just a delusion. We get no indication or clue the entire time, at least not one that is obvious. So the twist really felt unexpected, and it just make the whole thing re-watchable so you can see the 'clues' a second time (mainly how we initially think the step-mom is evil, but in reality the MC is just delusional).
I honestly wish there were more movies like this, having a Japanese director but an all American cast/setting. I miss that era of movies, and I wish they got more attention at the time too because I remember not many were talking about them (if at all).
Anna SUPER DUPER GORGEOUS and SUPER DUPER PSYCHO, just the way I like'em!!!
what the heck … shes not allowed to have a conversation with a boy ? i mean, geez …. !
I remember when my dad took me to see this when it first came out and our reaction to the ending had us shook. Definitely didnt see it coming
Ah step children
I loved this so much ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I didnt realize Elizabeth Banks has such small tots
That was incredible! This has been on my To Watch List and I am so glad that I was finally able to watch this tonight! 😃
That was good…
Great Movie!
so the fiancée wasn't a murderer after all…
So good i wve watched it teice.
so she ended having a mental illness right?
so at the start of the movie when she is home and make believe mom and dad are talking about fattening up Emily Browning do they not notice she has little fat chipmunk cheeks and has not left puberty behind yet and thus has that pudgy body look – this was in 2009 she was born in 1988 – so she was 21 – in the next movie she was in Sucker Punch – no more pudge and who can forget how great she looked in that movie – and fell in love with her – but in this movie she most definitely does not need fattening up – just better psychotropic meds apparently – which would really fatten her up — and seen on tv.
However, in this apocalypse nation of metabolic syndrome – diabetic land whales roaming about freely – being the useless eaters the elites complain about – to hear the words she needs fattening up is a remarkable thing to hear – something that is so rarely spoken – like in your own life – how many times have you said this out loud – to anyone? of course anorexics don't count since that is mental illness and telling them you are going to fatten them up is cruel and abusive so don't ever do it.
i watch youtube movies more than amazon prime that’s how horrible their selection is
O snap that ending got me 😱 I’m gonna have to rewatch and see what I missed the 1st time…
One of my atfs such a great film.
Omg was just thinking about this movie while scrolling for free movies 😂 YES
This twist was so wild!! Good to see this throw back!
It's weird. I have no recollection of ever seeing this movie before, but I saw every twist coming within the first ten minutes of movie. I'm sure I've seen it, maybe I just don't remember?
♥️never trust someone that cute♥️