If you’re in the mood for a horror movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously, Critters 2 is the perfect pick. The effects might be a bit hokey, the storyline’s a bit absurd, but that’s what makes it so much fun. It’s like Easter Sunday gone horribly wrong, and we’re here for it.
Lol First I see the old Showa Godzilla films on here now Critters. I'm glad YT is making so many of my favorite childhood films available for countless people to see for free
Hard to believe I couldn't shazam the "Hungry Heifer" jingle. 4 kiss fake outs is too many in my books. These were more Critters in the ball than were running before, I would say. Memorable moment of the film tho. The Hungry Heifer scene with the Critters causing havoc reminded me of the scene in Gremlins located in the kitchen. The highlight of the film for me. Not as strong as the original, yet not excruciating.
16:22 I met that fast food worker at a dodgers game when I was a little kid He signed my ticket stub ..I still have it Somewhere. Eddie Deagan or something like that.. He's the very 1st person from a movie that I had ever met. I'll always remember it.
Maturing is realizing Critters 2 blows Gremlins 2 out of the water !!!
40:03 oh dear…!
Someday, I'll find one 37:40
The critters are tossing salad

Well, Easter
is a pegan holiday 
Yeah, Critters
When I first saw ads for this I thought it would suck. Now it's easily one of my favorite franchises. 80's baby!
I was genuinely scared of this movie as a kid
Awesome!!! What day to spend my day off by watching scary movies from the 80s on YouTube.
all the critters are badass.should make another one.dont need to remake them.there prefect how they are.
If you’re in the mood for a horror movie that doesn’t take itself too seriously, Critters 2 is the perfect pick. The effects might be a bit hokey, the storyline’s a bit absurd, but that’s what makes it so much fun. It’s like Easter Sunday gone horribly wrong, and we’re here for it.

Who's here because of @JonMalin and comicsgate?????
37:50 Lmao I remember getting in trouble for watching this scene as a kid.
1:11:13 is the bounty hunter he treats us be one us
How did it got free again it cause money but its back in 4 day I am confused
the 24 hour Rule:in the 80’s lol A Critter Convention…
25:35 when i saw this as a kid i was like, who took that photo of them?
right on, NUDITY.
shitters poo. LOL
"This town can kiss my ass!"
In case you're wondering, the scene you remember most is at 37 minutes in.
Lol First I see the old Showa Godzilla films on here now Critters. I'm glad YT is making so many of my favorite childhood films available for countless people to see for free
Anyone else came here from zoran kill count?
37:52 still dont know how this movie is pg13
27:37 Lucky daddy squashed that Crite
Just finished watching the first one
I remember the scene in the Hungry Heifer, around fifteen minutes in, when that greasy douchebag Wesley played by Tom Hodges
What is that woman's name at 37:53?
Movie about 1-minute in is all messed up! Unwatchable!!
I really want to get me a moo shake from the Hungry Heifer.
Best transformation ever. Thank God for her.
How do they reproduce?
Hard to believe I couldn't shazam the "Hungry Heifer" jingle. 4 kiss fake outs is too many in my books. These were more Critters in the ball than were running before, I would say. Memorable moment of the film tho. The Hungry Heifer scene with the Critters causing havoc reminded me of the scene in Gremlins located in the kitchen. The highlight of the film for me. Not as strong as the original, yet not excruciating.
one of the aliens turns into a Jew?? Hooters n sh!t… WTF am i watching??
or you gunk mace a Nudr wun.
16:22 I met that fast food worker at a dodgers game when I was a little kid
He signed my ticket stub ..I still have it Somewhere. Eddie Deagan or something like that.. He's the very 1st person from a movie that I had ever met. I'll always remember it.
My cat likes this movie.
Critters An Ghoulies An Gremlins Are Classic Spook Flicks" Without All The Wicked Gore " Funny Thanks
Ain't no way they put that scene in here for "no face".
16:19 oh it's that kid
“Nana! The critters are here!”
“No shit, Bradley!”
Why does this make me laugh harder than it should?
Best Easter movie imo.