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When a child-stealing demon attaches itself to a little girl, her family is thrust into a battle against time in order to save the girl and send the demon back to hell.
CAST: Kian Lawley, Elizabeth Keener, Angelica Cassidy, Chris Gann, Dayna Devon, Emily Killian, Stefanie Estes
Copyright @Terror Films
Excellent horror movie
Thank you for sharing. I am a massive horror buff, theres not many horrors I've not seen. This film wasnt good, but it wasn't terrible either. Realistically i give this film 4/10. No-way is this film 10/10 like some ppls have said. They must've been high when they gave that grade lol. Its May 2023, if you want to watch a really good horror this year, i recommend Evil Dead Rise & for the Horror/Thriller lovers out there, I recommend Infinity Pool. Happy Watching
This Was A Really Good Horror Movie But everyone had to die to save the life of the little girl Angie
Super fucking moving , don’t waste your time
Ewww bad

not even scary bruh
WOW! Great horror movie. Loved it.

Pretty Good Pretty Good!

I thought my life is not so fortunate until i saw this film haha so good!
Turning; can't get interested
4th movie in-a-row from JoBlo Horror [Subscribed] that was EXCELLENT! If you don't know how Subscribing works its kinda like a Library where all of JoBlo Horror movies are housed – saves a LOT of time – time that you can use to watch more JoBlo HORROR MOVIES!!
The Chosen was SUPER GOOD! had us jumpin' and our huney screamed one time – too funny, LOL – we give it a 9 out of 10 – ENJOY!
That's a great movie thanks for the upload!
I googled Lilith and couldn't find any religious or mythological basis for the premise of this movie, but it works within the film's context. A bit far fetched to my mind, more than a few holes in the plot, but entertaining if you can buy it, holes and all. Ending predictable, but, then, I've seen a lot of horror movies and read extensively in the field, so there's not much I haven't seen.

Good movie with subtitles 9/10.
rofl this has like 2 stars on google. Fake reviews much? Also…I'm willing to pay people to leave fake reviews – hmu
The real lilith is supposed to come back every 2-300 years…
During satanic rituals… Funny Megan Markle named the baby lilith eh
I DEFINITELY appreciate like-minded people!!! This was a GREAT MOVIE!!!!! My type of horror movie!
Wow this was absolutely brilliant definitely 10/10 for this was gripping throughout
just my kind of horror movie 

Hero's situation is as same as Indian husband. He doesn't have choice but to die because he is not the father of child wife conceived. I wonder why ghost left Angie. Was ghost satiated with hero's meat

cringe movie

Thanks for the good comments
This must be low budget. It is so dark it is hard to watch.
Its a good film I love it

Weh she left herself if the other person is a drug addict weh she left herself a alochol addict fi be a mother
This looks good a good horror movie the chosen

Good. Movie. I. Like
Good movie guys
They are coming… !!!
This was a good movie, good acting and different plot, I give it 8/10 thanx JoBlo Horror.