
Disney+ Releases Trailer for Upcoming Japanese Horror Series, ‘Gannibal’


GannibalMasaaki Ninomiya’s Manga is becoming a Japanese horror series over on Disney+. The decision to release a horror series exclusively on Disney+ reveals the plans that the streaming network has going forward in the new year. We can expect very different and varied content as time goes on. Gannibal gives us very different content via the traditionally family faire streaming platform.

The Hollywood Reporter wrote… “Gannibal is a thriller that will leave audiences gasping with shock after every episode. But it’s also a human story that reflects upon the differences between family values and culture that, at a glance, seem so contradictory and yet are so relatable. With Gannibal and our other Japanese local content, we are building on Disney’s rich history of storytelling and are combining it with Japanese creativity to open new doors of entertainment for everyone.

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