Rebirth | Full Zombie Horror Movie | Night Of The Living Dead Adaptation | Free Thriller Movie | Horror Movie | Zombie Thriller Movie | Night Of The Living Dead Movie | Horror Central
An adaptation of the classic, Night of the Living Dead, comes Rebirth! What began as an annual visit to their family grave-site quickly becomes a night of sheer terror as two brothers are unexpectedly forced to fight back against a sudden onslaught of violent assailants.
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Hetro broke back mountain?
I thoroughly enjoyed this total rip off of a classic! "Barbara" got on my nerves … js
As soon as you see a zombie movie starts in the woods you know it's cheap.
It’s nice to see the nod to the original film Night of the living dead (1968) “Barbra they’re coming to get you” done in a quirky way
It wasn't completely void of talent, the Harry character had a little spark in a otherwise at best mediocre remake. Guess challenged individuals need a chance to make a attempt at a movie as well.
Of course they made cooper a Christian to make us look like racists and homophobes.
Who else is rooting for the zombies ?
This movie was horrible. I watched 10 minutes
Good lord
It would 've been better without the glowing eyes.
In all of film there have been maybe two good zombie movies and that is probably being generous.
Never have I wanted the cast to be eaten more than this lot!
The role of a gay is always screaming
Wat is bad for portraying a gay on this films
The end was ironic when its time to scream you dont lol enjoyed the movie
The last part makae no sence why shot tge gay if he is human
Horrible B rate film.
Lol I always root for the Zombies

Uh waiting til Daylight never crossed nobody Mind
or, or pick them jokers off 1 by 1. I don’t care if it takes a year.
Is this a comedy? Why he got a $ tattoo
Not to bad for remake. I kinda like the zombies glowing eyes. I give it a 5 out of 10. Good to watch while folding clothes.
has to be different, now Barbara is a gay guy, and the zombies have glowing eyes, but basically the same.
this was a good movie, but id like it better if their eyes didnt light up – seemed silly. haha
One of the best Zombie films. Thanks.
I have a feeling ive seen it before.. Barbara.. Barbara…
Fome. película. no. tiene. brillo. y. mas. encima. un. Maricon. ..

Me desespera el tipo mejor hubiera sido una actriz eso hubiera sido normal la lloradera los gritos y la histeria del tipo en una mujer