Blood And Chocolate

Iron Jawed Angels director Katja von Garnier and the producers of Underworld team to adapt author Annette Curtis Klause’s tale of a teenage werewolf who must choose between love and loyalty to the pack when she falls for a handsome young human. Vivian Gandillon (Agnes Bruckner) is a 19-year-old girl living in modern-day Bucharest. After spending her entire life running from the truth, Vivian is forced to come to terms with her lycanthropic origins when her growing affections for a visiting American artist threaten to reveal her family’s dark secret. For centuries, Vivian’s family has been involved with an ancient secret society. Now, in order to be with the one she loves, Vivian will be forced to betray an age-old vow that could bring about the downfall of her entire race.


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  1. The only real things that annoyed me non-stop during this film.
    1. Why does she keep kicking off walls and other misc surfaces?
    2. Those Gods forsaken bongos!!

    Always nice to see Will Graham though.

  2. I've seen this movie before, it appears that I didn't watch til the end….it was good, I really liked it!!!
    I didn't think that they had a chance at first…but it turned out cool…! I'll give it⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  3. If darkness stands against darkness then how does darkness stand? Just as light cannot be darkness darkness cannot be light. I am not of fan of darkness being Good it is an inevitable Lie. Truth.

  4. This just isn't a very good werewolf movie. It's a fine romance movie. It's got beautiful shots of Bucharest and the standard romance movie plot of the main leads but I expect more from a werewolf movie. Werewolf movies should always have a gruesome transformation sequence that shows you how awful it would be to transform from a human form to a werewolf. I expect breaking and shifting bones, cries of agony, and looks of horror and disbelief. Werewolf movies should also be horror movies (this is a romance movie with horror elements) and be excessively gory. I expect chunks of human flesh and blood all over the place and dozens of people being dismembered by the end of the movie. Blood and Chocolate has none of what makes werewolf movies truly special. The transformation sequence in Blood and Chocolate is a travesty. They turn into a beam of light mid-jump and boom, now they are a werewolf. lame.

  5. it’s 2023 they make chocolate for dogs now and special ice cream that’s weird because my dog can’t eat dairy. She throws up when she eats yogurt but she loves peanut butter can’t get enough of it. That’s how I get her to take her flea medicine I put it into peanut butter, just a teaspoon, now I can’t have chocolate or peanut butter or dairy for that matter. I’m allergic to everything.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  6. After reading some of the comments, apparently the movie veers away from the books. I'd never heard of either…books or movie…until now. I felt it was interesting and worth watching. Thanks for sharing it YouTube πŸ‘

  7. Interesting idea considering she had to kill a male to become Alpha considering that wolves are matriarchal animals. The pack is always led by a female who is Alpha. She determines who's allowed to mate, who's line is allowed to continue, where the pack goes, and whether or not the pack takes in new members.

  8. I have watched this movie twice and still get captivated by the storyline. A child can carry so much guilt to adulthood that is owned by them and how other people's views are superimposed in their lives.

  9. I'd imagine there's nothing be destined or written on stone when it comes to the right and left hand of God in this story even them follow higher purpose of God.. Dark side it's more complex to find humanity even if it doesn't seem that way.. So, werewolf what side they follow, as it appears they are blessed, abide by rules, and they keep as community in the shadows under strict survaillance for the fear of being exposed and terminated.. Never mind, they actually turn themselves out for entertainment, Rafe missed saying because she's a werewolf to end her love interest.. Either situation it's a strong fundamental of legacy and duty, If I were Vivian I'd give up hapiness for life and stick together with the wolfs let the leader be her husband as the phrophecy says.. However, the story wouldn't have any transcendece in her lineage, but finding freedom it's a better endiing for the film! #BloodAndChocolate #2007 #Horror #Entertainment #Film
    #2023 β€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ

  10. A great movie. So nice to watch a movie starring younger adults who do not speak Harlemese and who don't curse every other sentence, especially with the "f" word. A fascinating plot. I think the best werewolf plot ever. Yeah, Europeans.

  11. I have been saying for years, if they're going to make a movie about a book, turn the book into a movie, but that almost never happens. Instead, the writers are so unimaginative and unoriginal that they take somebody else's work and think they can improve upon it.
    I hate the excuse that when writers "translate" a book into film they have to change things in the story to make it filmable. Whereas that may have been the case with Fantasy and Science Fiction in the past, with CGI and related or accompanying technologies, that's no longer the case, and hasn't been now for over a decade.
    And I understand taking out certain things to make a movie a certain length, but not adding new material.
    These movie hacks just want to turn a book into their own story, and I have been tired of that since I became wary enough to detect it. I'm thinking that was when I was around 10 years old.

  12. Why was she so damn submissive in the beginning. She fell in love so quick, what a mood swing.
    I like the beginning of the movie with the woods and cabin when she was little. It brought a good atmosphere.
    The eyes changing was a smooth transition and cool to see.
    Seeing wolves in the movie was a treat.

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